Crabtree Chronicles

Dental Confidence Or Caution

Whether you are one of the folks who goes willingly for your check-up, or are hesitant about getting dental work done, the team at Crabtree Dental in Katy TX wants you to make and keep regular appointments for cleanings and checkups. Regular dental appointments are important because they help keep your teeth and gums healthy.…

Is Grandpa Smiling?

elderly oral health Katy

Here’s a question from Crabtree Dental in Katy: how are Americans doing when it comes to the dental health of the 65+ population? The Good News: The rate of decay in the elderly has decreased in the past thirty years. The Bad News: 25% of persons age 65+ have no remaining teeth Nearly 20% have…

The Hype about Charcoal Toothpaste

Over the last few years charcoal has been added to products ranging from skin and hair care to “detox” drinks and oral health products. If you’ve seen charcoal-infused toothpaste, toothbrush heads, or mouth rinses advertised online or on display at the grocery store you know exactly what we’re talking about. There are wide-ranging claims that…

Common Dental Questions

At Crabtree Dental in Katy TX, we strive for excellence in dentistry every day. Providing the best possible dental care goes beyond cleanings and exams. We like patients who ask a lot of questions, because that tells us they are taking a strong interest in their dental health. Common Questions One of the questions we’re…

Quirky Dental Facts That May Surprise You

Cinco Ranch cosmetic dental and tooth implants

In this post from Crabtree Dental in Katy TX, we share some fun facts about dentistry. Enjoy! Many dental patients are aware that before there was formal dental training and licensing, barbers often performed dental procedures. But did you know that blacksmiths also moonlighted as dentists? How would you like your dental visit to involve…

A Smile Like A Precious Gem

porcelain veneers price Katy

Would you like a beautiful smile? At Crabtree Dental in Katy, we can help with cosmetic dentistry. Cosmetic dentistry is really coming into its own. Trend-watchers say that more and more people are choosing it every day to improve their smiles. Teeth whitening is one of the most popular procedures we offer. A lot of…

Clean Teeth, Happy Mouth

At Crabtree Dental in Katy TX, good dental health means having healthy teeth and gums. Maintaining it is something that you have to work at every day. It can be a real balancing act: using the right oral care products, your personal oral care habits, and seeing the dentist twice a year. Your dental health…

Cosmetic Dentistry vs. General Dentistry

Katy Cosmetic Dentistry

This article from Crabtree Dental in Katy TX describes the differences between general dentistry and cosmetic dentistry. General dentists are dedicated to preventing and treating oral diseases such as cavities and gum disease. When a problem is diagnosed, like a cavity between two teeth, a general dentist will establish the best way to restore it.…

5 Critical Oral Cancer Facts

oral cancer dental checkup Katy

At Crabtree Dental we urge people to come in twice a year for a dental examination and cleaning.  If you skip semiannual dental checkups because you don’t believe you have any tooth decay, perhaps getting an oral cancer screening is a more compelling reason to see your dentist regularly. In the last few decades, lung and…


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