Dental Veneers: Fast Fixes For Your Smile

Katy Affordable Dentistry

Dental veneers are used extensively in modern dentistry to cover up imperfections in your smile. The porcelain veneers from Crabtree Dental in Katy can restore your smile to its youthful luster. Dental veneers (also called laminates) are thin, custom-made porcelain shells that permanently cover the front part of one or more teeth. They’re used to…

Keep Them Clean: Preventive Dentistry

Your teeth are meant to last a lifetime. Even if you get the occasional cavity, or your teeth aren’t their whitest, or even if they’re crooked because you never had braces as a kid, you can keep them healthy with a good dental health routine, and preventive dentistry from Crabtree Dental in Katy. How you…

Dental Anxiety? Try Sedation Dentistry in Katy

Relieving Your Dental Anxiety At Crabtree Dental

Modern dentistry is virtually painless, but that hasn’t eliminated the anxiety many patients feel after they make an appointment and examination day draws near. Sedation dentistry at Crabtree Dental in Katy may be what those patients need. We provide IV Sedation, a very effective method of dulling pain, and/or easing anxiety. It keeps the patient…

Your Smile: Cosmetic Dentistry in Katy

Let’s Talk About Your Smile

One of the best things about cosmetic dentistry at Crabtree Dental in Katy is interacting with our patients. During initial consultations, patients describe their short and long term dental goals, and we listen carefully. Some patients are looking for a total smile makeover. Available treatments include teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, and dental bonding. Some patients wonder if…