Same Day Smile Makeovers At Crabtree Dental

Categories: Porcelain Veneers
Same Day Smile Makeovers At Crabtree Dental In Katy

Have you ever wished your cosmetic dentist could glue new pearly white covers on your existing teeth as quick as you paint a wall in your house? Guess what? With porcelain veneers, it’s possible. Porcelain veneers are wafer-thin tooth-shaped fronts that are permanently bonded to your natural teeth. Unlike a crown procedure, your dentist does…

Protect Teeth From Cracks

Categories: Oral Hygiene
Kati avoid cracked teeth

Ouch! No Katy dental patient wants the pain and inconvenience of a cracked tooth, so today in the Crabtree Chronicles dental blog we are going to focus on how to avoid this preventable problem. The first thing to remember is that avoiding a cracked tooth is not rocket science; you should steer clear of chewing…